Your website is the cornerstone of your digital presence.

At Wicked Good Web, we specialize in creating mobile-responsive, user-friendly websites that look great and drive results.

What We Do

We excel at helping small- and medium-sized businesses create websites that generate leads, drive sales, and earn more revenue.

Website Development: Building Your Digital Foundation

We create wicked good custom websites tailored to your business needs. From sleek designs to seamless functionality, we ensure your website stands out and performs at its best.

E-Commerce Websites: Boost Your Online Sales

We design and develop powerful e-commerce sites that make selling online easy and efficient. Our solutions are tailored to enhance user experience and drive conversions.

Website Care Plans: Keep Your Site Running Smoothly

Regular maintenance is crucial for keeping your website secure and up-to-date. Our care plans include routine updates, security checks, and backups to ensure your site remains in top condition.

Accessibility: Making the Web Inclusive

We prioritize accessibility in our web designs, ensuring that your website is usable by everyone, including those with disabilities. Complying with accessibility standards not only broadens your audience but also enhances user experience.

Website Portfolio: Our Success Stories

Don’t take our word for it…see for yourself! Explore our portfolio to see the diverse range of websites we’ve developed. From small businesses to large enterprises, our work speaks for itself.

Project Management for Apps and Full-Stack Sites

Since we’re only two people, we don’t take on projects that require a big team to implement successfully. But we love to leverage our enterprise technology experience to manage those big builds! We can help spec and manage your larger-scale project, and outsource development to a great team.

The Wicked Good Website Development Process

We’ve honed a process that gets the results you need without a lot of wasted time and money.

1. Initial Discovery

We work with you to develop the content strategy and design principles that best represent your business. We spend time learning about your business goals, your brand, and your competitors.

2. Content Strategy & Website Design

We create a full content strategy, information architecture, and design approach for your new website. We deliver animated and static design proofs and information architecture plans from which you’re able to request changes.

3. Site Build

We work our magic, creating your new site from scratch on our development servers. We share regular progress updates via a secure project blog to keep you in the loop.

4. Revise Your Site

Now that your site is built, you’re able to work with it on multiple devices and request a final round of revisions. Logo design files and photos are provided for use in print media.

5. Content Addition

We provide clear sitemaps for content authoring. With custom fields for all advanced functionality throughout your site, future content editing is always a breeze.

6. Launch Your Site

We’ll stick with you after your site goes live and assist with any issues that come up. Need to make changes to your website? We’re always just a phone call away. Need pay-per-click advertising to drive traffic, or further help with your digital marketing strategy? We can help with that!

Website Development FAQ

How much will my new website cost?

The answer to this one varies depending on the project, so we’ll need to talk with you to understand your needs. In general, our websites range between $3,500 for a simple brochure site, and can be upwards of $60K for a complex project with deep feature needs. For extremely large projects, we’d be happy to manage the project for you.

How do you determine pricing?

Our website builds are fixed price. After talking with you to determine your needs, we’ll put together a detailed proposal that outlines the scope of work and project budget. As long as we stay within that plan, the price won’t change. And even if your needs shift during the project, we’ll never change the price without talking with you first.

How does payment work?

We can accept checks (preferred), credit cards, and bank transfers. Typically, we ask for a 50% deposit to start the project, and 50% upon completion.

How customized are the websites you build?

One size does not fit all. That’s why we offer flexible website packages that are always ready to expand with your changing needs.

If you’re looking for a simple website to bring new customers to your New Hampshire business, we can build you a wicked effective WordPress “brochure” site that is modern and extremely affordable. On the other hand, we have wicked experience building large, scalable web software for enterprise clients. If you can dream it, we can build it.

No matter how much customization you need, our goal is always to create the most effective web platform possible within your budget.

What technologies do you use?

We’ve worked with lots of technologies over the years. That said, the bulk of our clients are best served by a WordPress site, so about 80% of our web development work uses WordPress. That includes the open-source WordPress core software, WooCommerce for e-commerce sites, GeneratePress as a theme framework, and a set of server-side technologies that we’ve used to create our top-notch managed WordPress hosting platform.

Of course, we’re also open to managing larger full-stack projects for you. If you’re looking to create an application that will require a larger team, take a look at our consulting services.

Ready to discuss your project?

Contact us today to discuss your website needs and see how we can help you create a powerful online presence.
Contact Wicked Good Web